In the News

/In the News

As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Running While Pregnant

You Really Can Run Through Your Whole Pregnancy, So Why Does Everyone Say You Can’t? By Kelly Mullen-McWilliams, 1/16/18 If you want to feel social judgment smack you like a wall [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in SheKnows about Labor Myths

10 Labor Myths It’s Time to Bust by Claire Gillespie, 1/15/18 Have you heard the one about putting a knife under your bed during labor to "cut the pain in half"? [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Embarrassing Questions for your Gynecologist

11 Questions You May Be Embarrassed To Ask Your Gynecologist, But Shouldn’t Be By CARINA WOLFF, January 2018 Going to the gynecologist can feel like a daunting experience, and not [...]

Dr. Gaither provided comments to

¿SANGRADO VAGINAL EN TU RECIÉN NACIDA? ¡MIRA EL POR QUÉ! Puede suceder aunque no lo creas por: REDACCIÓN  12 ENERO, 2018 COMPARTIR Los recién nacidos vienen con una amplia gama de “sorpresas”. [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in The Bump about Pregnancy for Moms-to-Be of Advanced Maternal Age

Pregnancy Guide For Moms-to-Be Of Advanced Maternal Age By Celia Shatzman, Contributing Writer, January 2018 Finding out that you’re expecting is always exciting—and a little nerve-wracking—no matter how old you [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Women’s Health about Miscarriage Symptoms

5 Early Miscarriage Symptoms That Should Be On Your Radar Miscarriages are more common than you think” BY JESSICA MIGALA January 8, 2018 If you've been trying for a baby, [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Baby Girls and “Mini-Periods”

Newborn Baby Girls Can Get “Mini-Periods” & Here’s When You Should Worry By Candace Ganger, 1/4/18 Newborn babies come with a wide range of "surprises." And if you're unprepared, these "surprises" [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Playboy about Hormonal Birth Control’s Bad Rap

More Studies Add to Hormonal Birth Control’s Bad Rap By Kenya Foy, January 2, 2018 For those of you who aren’t quite audacious enough to adopt Bella Thorne’s all-natural approach to birth control (read: [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Pregnancy Old Wives Tales That Are Not True

9 Old-Wives’ Tales About Pregnancy That Are Not True By CARINA WOLFF, 12/29/17 Women who are pregnant end up bombarded with all sorts of advice from others, and sometimes, it can [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Induced Deliveries

Do Induced Deliveries Hurt More Than “Natural” Deliveries? MFMs Weigh In By Abi Berwager Schreier, December 22, 2017 I recently found out from my maternal fetal medicine doctor that unless [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Aaptiv about Endometriosis

Can Exercise Help Alleviate Endometriosis Symptoms? By Julia Dellitt, December 22, 2017 For women with endometriosis chronic pain is a regular occurrence. Even though the condition is often difficult to [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in The Pulse about Substance Abuse and Pregnancy

Substance Use and Pregnancy: Danger Ahead By Christopher Iliades, 12/18/17 The problem of substance use during pregnancy cannot be ignored. Research shows that use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Simplemost about Things That Can Throw Off Your Cycle

7 Things That Could Be Throwing Off Your Cycle By Carina Wolff, Dec 18, 2017 A woman’s average cycle is 28 days, and while some women get their periods like [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Popsugar about Menstrual Cramps

Ouch! What Might Be Causing Your Menstrual Cramps and How to Ease the Pain by CAITLIN FLYNN, December 11, 2017 When our periods arrive, they sometimes bring along a host of [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Seventeen about Non-Hormonal Birth Control

4 Things You Need to Know About Non-Hormonal Birth Control Methods. By KARA WAHLGREN, DEC 6, 2017 If you’re nervous about the side effects of hormonal birth control — or you know your [...]

Dr. Gaither provided comments for Romper about Things Your OBGYN Wishes You’d Stop Doing Before Visits

8 Things Your Gynecologist Wishes You’d Stop Doing Before Your Visits By Lauren Schumacker, December 5, 2017 Though you might have to mentally prepare a bit before gynecologist appointments (no one [...]

Abnormal Placentation: Early Diagnosis is Essential

Dr. Kecia Gaither Offers Tips on Abnormal Placentation for Mothers-To-Be NEW YORK (PRWEB) October 17, 2017 During pregnancy, the placenta is the life support system for the developing fetus. Formed from [...]

Abnormal Placentation: Early Diagnosis is Essential

( - New York, NY, October 17, 2017 – During pregnancy, the placenta is the life support system for the developing fetus. Formed from embryonic cells that burrow into the uterine wall, [...]


HEALTH, BY MELISSA MATTHEWS, 10/16/17 Kim Kardashian, among other celebrity moms, have made eating placenta post-childbirth seem as normal as taking prenatal vitamins, causing the medical community to issue warnings about the [...]

Not having a wet vagina…

Not having a wet vagina  can bring the most steamy sexual encounter to a painful interlude, as if your romantic playlist was hijacked by the garish sound of nails scraping [...]