Should I Get My Tubes Tied? 6 Things To Know About Tubal Ligation


When we talk about birth control, there’s one option that’s often left out of the discussion: getting your tubes tied. During a tubal ligation, your fallopian tubes — where the eggs normally travel down to the uterus — are closed off, permanently preventing pregnancy. It’s frequently overlooked, especially for younger people, since it’s so permanent. But if you’re sure you don’t want kids, it’s worth learning about.

A tubal ligation can be performed any of several ways, OB/GYN Kecia Gaither, MD tells Bustle. The fallopian tubes can be cut, burned, or clipped. Medicaid doesn’t usually cover it until you’re 21 and may require a 30-day waiting period, but private insurance companies are usually less strict about it, she adds. Some doctors’ individual beliefs prevent them from performing tubal ligations, since they may worry their patients will regret it. So, it may be difficult to find a doctor to give you one in your 20s, though it’s still possible. Finding one should get easier by the time you’re in your 30s, says Astroglide’s resident OB/GYN Dr. Angela Jones.

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