In the News

/In the News

As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.

Is melatonin safe while breastfeeding?

Wendy Wisner, December 22, 2021 And it’s not just the short-term usage of melatonin that concerns doctors. “I am not aware of any research evaluating long-term use of melatonin while [...]

A COVID-19 Booster Shot Is Recommended if You’re Pregnant

By Rachel MacPherson, CPT, December 17, 2021 "If the appropriate interval of time has passed from receiving the second injection, pregnant people are advised to get the booster," said Kecia Gaither, [...]

Recognize the Signs of Miscarriage

By Chloe Toscano,  December 17, 2021 The symptoms of miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, the passage of tissue and pain in the abdomen, pelvic region, and back, explained Kecia Gaither, M.D., MPH, [...]

Using Forceps During Childbirth Can Have Lifelong Complications, Research Shows

By Alexandra Frost, December 15, 2021 Forceps may be used in a variety of instances, usually resulting from an unexpected complication during birth. “The primary reasons for [forcep] use include maternal [...]

What You Should Know About Pregnancy When You Have Crohn’s

by Cassie Shortsleeve, Dec 14, 2021 If you have Crohn's and are thinking about getting pregnant, it’s best to have a preconceptual evaluation with both an obstetrician and gastroenterologist first, says [...]

How Graft-Versus-Host Disease Can Affect the Vulva and Vagina

By Risa Kerslake, December 14, 2021 GVHD is considered a common complication of bone marrow transplants and the condition is classified as either "acute" or "chronic." Researchers estimate that anywhere [...]

Can I Take Zoloft While Breastfeeding?

By Wendy Wisner, December 13, 2021 No medication comes without risks, whether you are breastfeeding or not, but doctors generally consider Zoloft quite safe for breastfeeding parents to take. “Sertraline, or [...]

Keep Your Vagina Happy With High-Quality Lube

By Risa Kerslake, December 10, 2021 Using artificial lubricants can help moisturize the vulva and vagina, decrease friction and enhance sexual pleasure, said Kecia Gaither, M.D., MPH, FACOG, who is double board-certified [...]

No, You Don’t Need an At-Home Test to Monitor Your Vaginal Microbiome

By Bonnie Azoulay Elmann, December 8, 2021 "Probiotics, yogurt consumption, acidophilus tablets or suppositories can increase the concentration of these lactobacillus bacteria," said Kecia Gaither, M.D., who is double board-certified in [...]

Can Coughing Too Much Hurt Your Baby In The Womb?

by Angelique Serrano, Dec. 8, 2021 “Coughing in pregnancy can be frequent due to the physiologic changes that accompany gestation,” says Kecia Gaither, M.D., director of perinatal services in the Bronx’s NYC [...]

All About Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

By Kimberly Zapata, December 08, 2021 There are many potential causes for upper back pain in pregnancy, including stress and hormonal changes. The hormone relaxin, for example, prepares a person's body [...]

Dispelling Misinformation About the Morning-After Pill

By Bonnie Azoulay Elmann, December 6, 2021 Furthermore, if a woman is already pregnant, the morning-after pill will not cause her to have an abortion. "It does not function in [...]

Experts Say Massage Won’t Boost Fertility, But There Are Benefits

By Bonnie Azoulay Elmann, December 6, 2021 "Stress can produce cortisol which can have effects on fertility," said Kecia Gaither, M.D., a double board-certified OB-GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine. "Massage relaxes the [...]

How To Make Baby Move & Kick, Because Fetal Movement Is A Good Thing

by Jennifer Parris , Dec. 4, 2021 If you thought those quick kicks to your ribcage were because you were singing off-key, think again. It’s actually quite the opposite: Baby [...]

Weird and Wonderful Things That Happen to Our Bodies During Pregnancy

Written By Britany Robinson, December 2021 "Women often develop a 'linea negra,' or a dark line that extends horizontally from the pubic area over the belly," added Kecia Gaither, an [...]

What Parents Should Know About Prenatal Genetic Testing

Written By Britany Robinson, December 2021 An amniocentesis is a procedure that uses a very thin needle to sample and test the amniotic fluid. '"There are risks,'" warned Kecia Gaither, [...]

OB-GYN discusses pregnancy and COVID-19 vaccinations

Published December 1, 2021 at 3:59 PM EST Conversation with Dr. Kecia Gaither, a double board-certified physician in OB-GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine and Director of Perinatal Services at New York [...]

Round Ligament Pain Can Make Sex Hurt During Pregnancy

By Sydni Ellis, December 1, 2021 "The uterus is held in the pelvis by ligaments on either of its sides," explained Kecia Gaither, M.D., M.P.H., an OB-GYN double-board-certified in maternal fetal [...]

The Best Gifts for Doctors, According to Medical Professionals

By Lori Keong, Karen Iorio Adelson, and Ambar Pardilla, NOV. 30, 2021 “The gift of laughter really helps us to unwind after a tense day,” says Kecia Gaither, an OB/GYN, a maternal-fetal-medicine physician, and the [...]

Dietary Changes Can Help Your Endometriosis

By Megan Deak, Nov 24, 2021 There are foods that can amplify symptoms, making the pain worse, noted Kecia Gaither, M.D., who is double board-certified in OB-GYN and Maternal-Fetal Medicine. "Foods that [...]