As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.
Can You Eat After Being Induced? No One Wants A Hangry Labor Experience
By Lindsay E. Mack, Jan 16, 2020 In most cases, people who are about to deliver a baby will not be given solid foods. "Generally women aren’t fed while on labor [...]
FDA Says Don’t Use CBD, THC Products While Breastfeeding – Healthline
January 15, 2020 by Harry Hall “Long and short of it — at this time women in the preconceptual period, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women should refrain from any type of use [...]
How Being an Athlete (or Working Out Like One) Can Impact Your Sex Life
By Morgan Mandriota, January 10, 2020 "The female-athlete triad involves the interrelatedness of menstrual dysfunction, poor energy availability, and bone mineral density effects," as a result of consistent high-intensity exercise, says Kecia [...]
Dr. Kecia Gaither Explains Nutrients Needed For Important Decades of Life
Jan 3, 2020 Click HERE for the video segment.
5 Wellness Trends To Ditch In 2020
Maria Loreto, December 27, 2019 The main reasons why these apps have become a problem is the fact that some people think they don’t have to visit the doctor in [...]
Can You Get Pregnant With IBS? It’s A Complicated Question
By Lindsay E. Mack, Dec 27, 2019 "Healthy women with IBS likely do not have issues with fertility," Kecia Gaither, M.D. tells Romper. However, prior surgeries, disease activity, and any medication you might [...]
Does A Vaginal Ultrasound Hurt? This Exam Isn’t Exactly Fun, But You Can Get Through It
By Lindsay E. Mack, Dec 19, 2019 “The probe is covered by a sterile cover resembling a condom, sterile gel is applied to the tip, and the probe is placed into [...]
5 Condom Mistakes That Jeopardize Your Protection
Dec. 17, 2019 You can get STIs from oral sex, according to Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board-certified in ob/gyn and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Director of Perinatal Services at [...]
Yes, birth control helps with cramps but some methods are better than others
By Sara Lindberg, 12/13/19 Bottom of FormThat's why Dr. Kecia Gaither, MD, an OB-GYN and Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln recommends women take combination contraceptive pills that [...]
Your Guide to Dealing with a Positive STI Diagnosis
By Gabrielle Kassel, December 12, 2019 The truth is, anyone you've been sexual with since your last negative STI test could have the same STI. "Once diagnosed, it's best for your partner(s) [...]
6 Cringe-Worthy Sexual Health Myths, According to Ob/Gyns
Dec. 12, 2019 No itching, burning, or pain? You’re not necessarily in the clear. “Chlamydia, gonorrhea, HPV, hepatitis B, and HIV are all sexually transmitted diseases that often have no [...]
Are Your Bath Bombs Vagina Safe?
by Morgan Mandriota, Dec 11, 2019 “While bath bombs are fragrant, pretty, and offer the joy of a luxurious bath experience, they have the potential to affect the delicate skin of [...]
8 Wellness Trends We’d Like To Leave Behind In 2019
By Julia Ries, 12/10/2019 “Fad dieting with severe calorie cutting in an attempt to lose weight can be damaging to the body. Often the exact opposite to what is expected occurs — [...]
There’s A Non-Invasive Procedure That Can Lighten Heavy Periods
By Brittany Anas, 12/5/19 As for the procedure’s efficacy, it can reduce heavy bleeding or stop it altogether, says Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board-certified in ob-gyn and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Director [...]
By Kells McPhillips, December 5, 2019 “With a progestin-only pill, timing is important to maintain a steady-state of the hormonal concentration in the body, thus preventing pregnancy,” says Kecia Gaither, MD, [...]
40 Women You Didn’t Know Had a Miscarriage
Kelly Bryant, Updated: Nov. 26, 2019 According to Kecia Gaither, MD, Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, often miscarriages occur before a woman even knows she is pregnant. [...]
You Can Use a Menstrual Cup Even If You Have an IUD, but Take This Advice
November 25, 2019 by Kacie Main "IUDs and menstrual cups can be used concurrently," Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, an ob-gyn and the director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, [...]
5 Reasons You Should See a Gynecologist Even If You’re Not Having Sex
By Bonnie Azoulay, November 22, 2019 I, like many others, still check on my ovaries even if I don’t plan on having a baby or sexual partner any time soon. “It’s [...]
Exactly What to Do If a Condom Breaks During Sex, According to Experts
November 21, 2019, by Caitlin Flynn While accidents happen, there are things you can do to make them less likely. Make sure the condoms you have aren't expired, and if [...]
Inducing Labor at 41 Weeks May Be Safer Than ‘Wait and See’ Approach
by George Citroner on November 20, 2019 “[We] assess the cervix, its consistency, dilation, [and] position to determine if a cervical ripening agent is needed to soften and thin out [...]