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/In the News

Forgot to Take Your Birth Control Pill? Here’s What to Do

By | September 18th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

Even the most organized and responsible among us forget to take the Pill once in awhile. Setting a daily timer on your phone helps, but stuff happens. Real talk: This is a big deal. After all, it’s the primary reason some women get pregnant while they take the Pill. So what should you do if you [...]

Does Birth Control Actually Clear Up Acne? An Ob-Gyn Explains

By | September 16th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

You’ve probably heard at least one friend swear that her acne cleared up once she started on the Pill. But then again, many women start taking birth control around the same time that they would naturally start having less acne—so is it fact, fiction, or just a coincidence? Yup, it’s a fact. “Clearer skin is one of the [...]

Can Antibiotics Mess Up Your Birth Control? An Ob-Gyn Explains

By | September 15th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

It’s pretty rare to get pregnant while properly (the key is properly) taking birth control pills, yet many women feel a little voice of paranoia in the back of their head about the different things that could go wrong. One such worry that many ob-gyns hear is, “Will antibiotics mess up my birth control?” That’s a [...]

What The Shape Of Your Bump Can (and Can’t) Tell You

By | September 14th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

Holly Pevzner, Contributing Writer, September 2017 HIGH MEANS IT'S A BOY, AND CARRYING LOW POINTS TO A GIRL—RIGHT? NOT EXACTLY. HERE’S WHAT THE SHAPE OF YOUR BUMP REALLY MEANS. We’ve all heard the tummy forecasts: A high, tight bump means it’s a boy; low and wide means it’s a girl. And if you’ve got an extra-large bulge? Well [...]

Do I Need a Pap Test Every Year?

By | September 14th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

Double board-certified physician in OB/GYN and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Dr. Kecia Gaither Offers Tips on Cancer Screening New York, NY (PRWEB) September 14, 2017 Before the Pap test was adopted as a standard screening test in the 1950s, cervical cancer was among the leading causes of cancer death in women. The test is generally credited with saving the [...]

Do I Need a Pap Test Every Year?

By | September 14th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

( - New York, NY, September 14, 2017 – Before the Pap test was adopted as a standard screening test in the 1950s, cervical cancer was among the leading causes of cancer death in women. The test is generally credited with saving the lives of millions of women and, according to the American Cancer Society, is responsible for [...]

Can You Use Breastfeeding for Birth Control? An Ob-Gyn Explains

By | September 14th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

It sounds too good to be true, but here’s how it actually works. Sept. 14, 2017 Breastfeeding could keep you from getting pregnant? This one sure sounds like a hoax, but breastfeeding can help prevent pregnancy under very specific circumstances. It’s a form of birth control known as the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). But—and this is [...]

Can Your Birth Control Cause Blood Clots? An Ob-Gyn Explains

By | September 12th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

It’s a serious concern, so let’s look at the facts. Sept. 12, 2017 Birth control has many benefits beyond preventing pregnancy (hello, fewer menstrual cramps) but like any medication, it comes with side effects. Most are pretty minor (mood swings, anyone?), so it’s no surprise that this one gets the most attention: Can birth control give [...]

The truth about how birth control affects your health

By | September 11th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

A double-board certified OB/GYN weighs in on the questions we all have about our bodies on birth control. McKenna Park, 9/11/17  When I started taking the pill, I was pretty confused. Were my mood swings being caused by the pill, or was I just having a hard day? Or was I giving myself mood swings because [...]

It’s Not Your Mother’s Hysterectomy

By | September 7th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

Double board-certified physician in OB/GYN and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Dr. Kecia Gaither offers tips on understanding hysterectomy surgery today New York, NY (PRWEB) September 07, 2017 Years ago it was commonplace for women reaching middle age to undergo hysterectomy as a matter of course for “female problems,” and the surgery itself typically involved a large incision and a [...]

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