In the News

/In the News

As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.

Is Vaginal Numbness Normal?

by Simone Scully April 24, 2020 According to Dr. Kecia Gaither, director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln and OB-GYN and maternal fetal medicine specialist, vaginal numbness could be [...]

Girlfriend’s Guide to a Leaky Bladder

Written by Sara Lindberg, April 23, 2020 Urge incontinence is also known as an overactive bladder. It’s common in women who are going through menopause, according to Dr. Kecia Gaither, MPH, [...]

Can Babies Feel When You Poke Your Belly? Experts Explain

By Cat Bowen, April 16, 2020 As for what they're feeling, and if they're interacting with you as you press down on your baby bump, it seems as though they can [...]

Breastfeeding Tied to Lower Risk of Ovarian Cancer, Including Lethal Subtype

By Marilynn Larkin, April 13, 2020 Dr. Kecia Gaither, Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health and Hospitals/Lincoln, called the study "novel," but noted in an email to Reuters Health that it [...]

How Being At Home During The Coronavirus Crisis Can Affect Your Period, According To Experts

By Emma McGowan, April 11, 2020 "Social isolation, loneliness, change in exercise all reflect the psychological effects of COVID-19, the common denominator of which is acute traumatic stress," Dr. Kecia Gaither, [...]

Things to avoid when trying to get pregnant

By Cat Lafuente/APRIL 9, 2020 If you're one of the folks who haven't quite kicked the habit, now is the time if you're trying to get pregnant, says Dr. Kecia [...]

6 Ways To Relieve Gas Pain After A C-Section — An Unfortunate Side Effect

By Olivia Youngs, April 9, 2020 The last thing you want to do is use a straw. “You'll just be swallowing more air, resulting in air bubbles in your stomach,” says Kecia [...]

Higher Numbers of Sex Partners Can Increase Cancer Risk

By George W Citroner, April 6, 2020 “The vagina is essentially a thin mucus membrane with a rich vascular supply. During sex, micro abrasions disrupt this membrane and if there [...]

What Life Is Like on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Outbreak

by George Citroner on April 1, 2020 “Once this pandemic began, I have isolated myself from my parents and family members — we talk/text daily. I am teaching them how [...]

Take a Deep Breath — Here’s How to Remove a Condom Stuck in Your Vagina

By Gabrielle Kassel, March 30, 2020 That’s why both he and Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board certified in OB-GYN and maternal fetal medicine, and director of perinatal services at [...]

Asking for a Friend about STIs

NSFW(ish) is a weekly newsletter on sex, love, and relationships (and oh, so much more!), brought to you by SHAPE, Health, InStyle, and HelloGiggles. March 26, 2020  |  Issue #25 Click HERE for the [...]

Giving birth during the coronavirus pandemic: Tips on staying calm

By Alexandria Hein | Fox News, March 24, 2020 Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/LINCOLN, said that expectant moms should discuss the situation with [...]

12 Myths About Coronavirus

By Ruben Castaneda, March 23, 2020 Antibiotics can prevent you from getting COVID-19. This is not true, says Dr. Kecia Gaither, director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in [...]

A Guide to Sex and Love in the Time of COVID-19

by Gabrielle Kassel on March 21, 2020 “Because it’s still new, and because there has not yet been sufficient research, there’s a scarcity of information at this time,” says Dr. Kecia [...]

As Hospitals Become Overloaded, People Consider Home Births

By Danielle Braff, March 20, 2020 Kecia Gaither, M.D., director of perinatal services at NYC Health & Hospitals/Lincoln, agrees, adding that while the decision as to how a woman delivers her [...]

No Toilet Paper? A Bidet Might Transform Your Bathroom Break.

By Danielle Gonzalez, 03/19/2020 Water is generally the best option when it comes to cleaning that area, according Dr. Kecia Gaither, a board-certified OB-GYN in New York City. That’s especially true [...]

Can Hospitals Handle a Surge of COVID-19 Cases?

by George Citroner on March 15, 2020 “To reduce the risk of transmission from mother to newborn, facilities need to consider separating mother from the baby until the mothers transmission–based [...]

Association of Black Cardiologists Endorses Black Maternal Health Momnibus

WASHINGTON, March 12, 2020 "Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and preeclampsia all impact cardiovascular health," said Kecia Gaither, MD, a member of ABC's Cardiovascular Disease in Women Committee and Director, Perinatal Services/Maternal Fetal Medicine, [...]

Why FDA Says You Should Not Use CBD, THC Products While Breastfeeding

March 2020 Dr. Kecia Gaither, the director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, mentioned that there isn’t any real human study available that evaluates the effect of cannabis [...]

Premature birth and babies: What are the causes, signs and risks?

Nicole Fabian-Weber, March 8, 2020 “The reason doctors are concerned about women giving birth prematurely is because it can potentially impede the normal growth and development of the baby,” says Dr. [...]