In the News

/In the News

As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.

What you should know about IUD birth control

By Sara Lindberg,  OCTOBER 26, 2020 The IUD is a popular form of birth control, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. According to Kecia Gaither, MD, a board-certified OB-GYN [...]

These Are The Most Common Causes Of Low Libido

Wendy Gould, 10/26/2020 First, let’s talk about menopause. “Hormonal fluctuations during this time period can impact interest, and/or cause change to the vaginal tissue, which might make having sex less [...]

Ectopic Pregnancy: The Common Condition OBGYNs Want You to Know About

By Ashley Selleke, BSN, RN, Oct 22, 2020 Kecia Gaither, who is double board-certified in OBGYN and maternal-fetal medicine, has encountered multiple cases of ectopic pregnancy in her career. In [...]

The 15 Best Natural Lubes For A Happy Vagina, According To Gynos

By Korin Miller, Marissa Gainsburg, Emily Shiffer and Jasmine Gomez, Oct 19, 2020 Evening primrose is often used as a moisturizer for people with inflammatory conditions like eczema and psoriasis, [...]

9 Secrets Your Vaginal Discharge Is Trying to Tell You

Jessica Migala, Oct. 15, 2020 Your vagina tries to tell you a lot of things. And types of vaginal discharge naturally change throughout your cycle. It can be sticky, watery, or not [...]

Everlywell now has an STI test subscription. Is it worth it?

By Anna Iovine 10/9/2020 On three of their tests — chlamydia/gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis — the FAQs say that the test will give you results within greater than 99 percent accuracy. Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, [...]

Yes, you can run while pregnant — here’s how to do it safely

By Erin Heger, OCT 7, 2020 If you were a runner before you got pregnant, you can continue to run safely during pregnancy, says Kecia Gaither, MD, OB-GYN, the director of [...]

Recent Study Indicates Vitamin D-deficient People 54 Percent More Susceptible to COVID-19 Infection

BY PAULA LIU,  October 1, 2020 “Along with vitamin D supplementation, adequate sunshine exposure is needed, particularly if melanated [darker skinned], because vitamin D is made in the skin,” Dr. Kecia Gaither previously [...]

It’s Best to Skip Cough Drops During Pregnancy — Here’s What Two Ob-Gyns Have to Say

October 1, 2020 by Brittany Natale According to Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board-certified in ob-gyn and maternal fetal medicine, director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, to [...]

When Does a Fetus Develop a Brain?

By Sara Lindberg, September 30, 2020 The first trimester is a time of rapid development and separation of the various parts of the brain, according to Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, double board certified [...]

Are American Women Having Unnecessary Hysterectomies?

By Cassie Shortsleeve, September 29, 2020 Also, when it comes to options for care for women of color and fibroid treatment, various options aren't often discussed, says Kecia Gaither, M.D., M.P.H., an [...]

Could You Be Experiencing ‘Pregorexia’? Here’s How to Break the Cycle

By Sara Lindberg, September 28, 2020 Although some people outside of the mental health and medical community may use this term, Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board-certified in OB/GYN and [...]

Six Things You Should Be Doing During the Two Week Wait

September 24, 2020, By Traci Houston Dr. Kecia Gaither, physician in OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine, shared, ‘”There are particular proteins on the uterine lining that facilitate the embryo attaching itself, [...]

The Best Gifts for Doctors, According to Medical Professionals

By Lori Keong and Karen Iorio Adelson, September 23, 2020 “The gift of laughter really helps us to unwind after a tense day,” says Kecia Gaither, an OB/GYN, a maternal-fetal-medicine physician, and the director [...]

27 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore, According to Doctors

By Meryl Davids Landau and Sara Shulman, Sep 22, 2020 Vaginal bleeding. This is not a symptom that should be taken lightly. Dr. Gaither says post-menopausal bleeding is a prime indicator of uterine cancer. “The diagnosis [...]


By: Bibi Deitz, September 18, 2020 “Observing guidelines for mask wearing, social distancing, and keeping hands clean is particularly important for pregnancy, when immunological competence declines. Eat foods which boost immune [...]

How Does a Posterior Cervix Affect Pregnancy?

By Sara Lindberg, September 17, 2020 The cervix is the lowermost portion of the uterus, and for the majority of your pregnancy, you can expect to have a cervix that [...]

What to Do If You’re Afraid of Giving Birth

By Beth Ann Mayer, September 17, 2020 We've all seen movies and shows with a birth: A woman's water breaks, she's writhing in pain and eventually, through screams, sweat, and tears, [...]

PLEASURE: CBD Lube Benefits & Products To Try

Written by Morgan Mandriota, September 11, 2020 Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board-certified in OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine and Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, vouches [...]

Pregnancy and Sleep Guide

by Paul Joe Watson, Published: September 2, 2020, Expert Verified By: Stacy Sutton, PT, DPT, WCS Insomnia. To explain the effects of insomnia during pregnancy, I spoke with Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, [...]