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Yes, Pregnancy Brain Is Real. And It Starts Sooner Than You Might Think

By | March 17th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Sara Yongblood Gregory, Mar 17, 2023 While it sounds like a pain, it's thought that pregnancy brain is actually your body's way of focusing on the needs of a future child, and letting the rest fall to the background. "There has been research relegated to looking specifically and directly at cognitive [function] — as well as [...]

Menstruation Could Be the Cause of Your Mouth Pain

By | March 17th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Alisa Williams, Mar 17, 2023 "Estrogen and progesterone increase prior to menses, increasing blood flow to the gums, thus, making them more sensitive to bacteria and plaque buildup," said Kecia Gaither, M.D., M.P.H., board-certified in OB-GYN and maternal-fetal medicine and director of perinatal services/maternal fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx in New York [...]

4th trimester survival tips for exhausted, stressed parents

By | March 17th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Nicole Fabian-Weber, Mar 17, 2023 “This is also the time period that mothers are physically recovering while contending with emotional stresses of a fragile, dependent newborn,” says Dr. Kecia Gaither, who’s double board-certified in OB-GYN and maternal fetal medicine and the director of perinatal services/maternal fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx. Click HERE for the full [...]

Treatments for Endometriosis Include Drugs, Surgery, Hormone Therapy

By | March 14th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Leandra Beabout, Mar 14, 2023 Getting an endometriosis diagnosis can take a long time—an average of 8.6 years, according to one study—because the disease's symptoms can also indicate many other conditions, according to Kecia Gaither, M.D., board-certified in OB-GYN and maternal-fetal medicine and director of perinatal services/maternal-fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx in New [...]

Understanding Uterine Cancer

By | March 13th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Grace Gallagher, Mar 13, 2023 "Endometrial cancer is essentially cancer of the uterus," said Kecia Gaither, M.D., board-certified in OB-GYN and maternal-fetal medicine and director of perinatal services/maternal-fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx in New York City. Uterine cancer is different from cervical cancer, which affects the cervix, a canal connecting the uterus and [...]

Why This FDA-Approved Drug for Pre-Term Birth is being Pulled From the Market

By | March 13th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Chantelle Pattemore, Mar 13, 2023 Despite both being early forms of labor, preterm birth and miscarriage aren’t the same. “The difference technically revolves around the gestational age at the time of occurrence,” said Dr. Kecia Gaither, board-certified in OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Director of Perinatal Services/Maternal Fetal Medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx. “Miscarriage [...]

How Women Differ From Men in Matters of Sex

By | March 10th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Jennifer Sizeland, Mar 10, 2023 Kecia Gaither, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN based in New York City, suggested these tips to awaken your sex life: Great sexual encounters begin in the mind, so connecting emotionally first can enhance physical engagement later on. Suggest new positions to increase the novelty of your sexual experiences. Give each other tantric massages. [...]

9 Ways to Support Your Birthing Partner During Labor and Delivery

By | March 9th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Blair Sharp, Mar 9, 2023 Kecia Gaither, MD, director of perinatal services and maternal fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals in the Bronx, says that the benefits of a support person are evident and measurable: A laboring parent with an active support person may have a reduced need for pain-relieving medication, a shortened labor length [...]

The 4th trimester: What new parents need to know about this fragile period

By | March 9th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Nicole Fabian-Weber, Mar 9, 2023 “The fourth trimester refers to the post birth time interval — the first 12 weeks post birth,” explains Dr. Kecia Gaither, who’s double board-certified in OB/GYN and maternal fetal medicine and the director of perinatal services/maternal fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx. The fourth trimester, according to [...]

Key to Eliminating Medical Racism May Lie in Universal Healthcare

By | February 27th, 2023|Categories: In the News|

By Eglė Krištopaitytė, Feb 27, 2023 However, Kecia Gaither, M.D., M.P.H, double board-certified in OB/GYN, notes it is worth asking whether they really increased or there is more transparent awareness on the issue due to the evolution of various media platforms. Advances in reproductive technologies have changed the metrics "in regards to what is now defined as an [...]

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