As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.
Eating Right When Pregnant
Good nutrition during pregnancy, and enough of it, is very important for your baby to grow and develop. You should consume about 300 more calories per day than you did [...]
Would You Photoshop Your Pregnancy Test?
We're not talking fakes - it's now a thing to "tweak" your pregnancy test with photo editing software that enhances hard-to-see second lines. But is it a good thing? By Tina [...]
6 Rules For A Road Trip While Pregnant
A summer car trip can be a great vacation while pregnant, especially if flying is out, but there are some precautions to take before you hit the road for a [...]
Snoring During Pregnancy? You’re Not Alone.
By Julie Revelant You’re prepared for the morning sickness, weight gain and insomnia, but you may not have planned for one side effect of pregnancy— snoring. Studies show that between [...]
Do You Have a Unicorn Uterus? Sounds Cute – But It’s Really Scary
By Samantha Leal Add to the list of things you could totally have and never know about: a unicorn uterus. In legit medical speak, a "unicornuate uterus" is when the [...]
Do You Have a Unicorn Uterus?
By Korin Miller Its Sex Ed 101: Women have a uterus, two fallopian tubes, and two ovaries. But according to experts, some women have a reproductive system that’s actually half [...]
Space: It Is NOT the Final Frontier
In 1966, American television was taken by storm with a different kind of series — enter “Star Trek.” It explored “brave new worlds” beyond what we knew on Earth, and [...]
Perineal Massage 101: The Other Prenatal Massage
Don't squirm at the thought of getting hands-on down there -- practicing perineal massage can help prepare yourbirthcanal for Baby, and may even reduce your risk of tearing. By: Holly [...]
To NIPT or Not to NIPT? That Is the Question
There are many conversations had between an expectant mother and her prenatal care provider — for the most part, these are positive in nature and revolve around ensuring the health [...]
Nine Suprising Facts About Your Vagina
Does the G-spot really exist? It stretches how much down there during labor? And can exercise really get it in shape? Read on as a few doctors share some fascinating [...]
Have Hot Pregnancy Sex: The Best Positions For Every Trimester
“Engaging in loving, sexual activity has been shown to have positive benefits for both expecting mother and unborn child,” says ob-gyn Kecia Gaither, M.D., maternal fetal medicine specialist at Montefiore [...]
Prenatal Testing: When a Result Is Not a Diagnosis
When fetal DNA testing for chromosomal disorders was first introduced in 2011, many experts feared that the improved results would be oversold, leading women to take irreversible steps based on [...]
What Your OB Wants You To Know Before Your C-Section
The Truth About C-Sections You are much more likely to deliver a baby via C-section today than even 20 years ago. In fact, the number of times the procedure was [...]
Eight Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention, Plus Four Things You May Not Know
According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. In the United States, it’s expected that by the end of 2014, about [...]
14 Things You Didn’t Know (But Should) About Breast Cancer
Every year, we hear so much about breast cancer during the month of October - and it can never hurt to reinforce your knowledge of what’s normal and what isn’t. [...]
Moms’ Five Biggest Concerns About Prenatal Testing
Whether you have a family history of genetic disorders or are an older mom — or even if you're perfectly healthy — prenatal testing (from noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to [...]
The ‘Diabetical’
I have loved the term “diabetical” since the matriarch of Tyler Perry’s Madea movie franchise first coined the phrase. The term masterfully highlights the diabolical nature of the disease, which has now [...]
Why Do I Still Look Pregnant Two Years Later?
Question of the day: This is one that Breezy Mama (not only wonders, but…) receives a lot: Why do I still look pregnant 2 years later? Is that normal? Will [...]
Fit Pregnancy: 4 Pregnancy-Friendly Essential Oils
While essential oils can promote healing and ease anxiety, you’re right to approach ‘em with hesitation during pregnancy. "Avoid oils that say 'moving oil' on the label," says Kecia Gaither, [...]
Mom.me: Tips For Keeping Your Husband Calm During Labor & Delivery
Pregnancy is a stressful time for a woman – and for an expecting father as well. Becoming a father is a time of great change for a man, with added [...]