In the News

/In the News

As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis. Signs of Postpartum Depression

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or inadequate is an almost universal experience for new moms, but postpartum depression occurs when those feelings limit your ability to take care of yourself and your [...]

Women’s Health: There Are More U.S. Women Dying During Childbirth Than 20 Years Ago

With continuously improving healthcare and better access to resources for expectant mothers, global death rates during childbirth have dropped by 45 percent over the past 20 years, according to a [...]

Women’s Health: 4 Ways That Your Period Messes With Your Skin

What your period does to our bodies (the cramps! The cravings!) is pretty irritating. But what it does to our skin is simply not pretty. "When hormone levels surge before [...]

U.S. News & World Report: Number of Induced Labors Falling in the U.S., CDC Says

After almost two decades of steady increases, the number of U.S. infants born early due to induced labor and C-section has declined in recent years, according to a new report [...]

Daily Parent: When is the Right Time to Have Kids?

Wondering how you’ll know when it’s the right time to have a baby? A lot of factors—including finances and relationship status—influence when you start trying to have a baby. But [...]

New York 1: Keeping Health and Lifestyles in Check Aids Couples’ Ability to Conceive

When it comes to trying to conceive, there are some simple things that both men and women can do to boost their fertility. NY1's Jill Urban filed the following report. [...]

Verily: How to Choose a Good Gynecologist

Being comfortable with and trusting your healthcare provider is important, though none perhaps as important as your gynecologist. Let’s face it: Your gynecologist is someone that you’ll share some of [...]

She Knows: How to Quit Smoking While Pregnant

With the January 2014 Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health citing 108,0000 pregnancy and birth-related conditions linked to infant mortality and low birth weight, you may be more determined [...]

The Two Faces of Motherhood: Maternal Health in the U.S.

I am a maternal fetal medicine specialist; simply put, I take care of pregnant women with high-risk complications like HIV, diabetes, brain tumors and fetal anomalies. I have had the [...]

Skinny Mom: Are Frequent Prenatal Ultrasounds Safe?

The most exciting days during pregnancy are often the days that ultrasounds are scheduled and parents get an inside look at their baby in the womb. From finding out the sex of [...] Post Partum Depression: A Different Kind of Fairy Tale…

A new mom and depressed? These seem like two realities that radically contradict each other. However, given the fact that you have just delivered a child, and are feeling sad and overwhelmed [...] 3 Attainable Resolutions for the Pregnant Mama

3 Attainable Resolutions for the Mom-to-Be 1. Cut the mama drama. Decrease the stress in your life. Stress for anyone, but particularly pregnant women, affects both mother and fetus; it presents with an [...] Trying to Conceive During Family Visits? It Happens

Trying to get in the mood to conceive? Consider lighting a few candles, putting on some sensual music… and locking the door to make sure your Uncle Ted doesn’t walk [...]

Giving Birth with Confidence: Enjoy the Holidays, Safe, Sane & Sound During Pregnancy

Deck the halls and hark the herald! Well ladies, the holiday season is upon us again.  Time for family and friends, shopping and travel, New Year’s resolutions and my personal [...]

Health Tip – Cleaning Up From A Flood

If your home has been flooded after a recent hurricane or rain, make sure you take precautions to avoid making yourself sick. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [...]

Health Day News (US News & World Report): Many Low-Income Moms Struggle to Afford Diapers: Study

Diapers can take a big bite out of the family budget, and now a new survey of low-income moms finds that many struggle to afford enough diapers to regularly change [...]

Health Day News (US News & World Report): Ultrasound Best Detector Of Dangerous Ectopic Pregnanc

Ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg grows in the fallopian tubes or other spots outside the uterus, typically leads to miscarriage and can even prove fatal. Now, a review [...]

New York Amsterdam News: Dr. Kecia Gaither: New life in her hands

Dr. Kecia Gaither uses her position as an obstetrician to help those living in at-risk community in Brooklyn. Gaither serves as vice chairman and director of maternal fetal medicine in [...]

New York Daily News: What Is Hyperemesis Gravidarum? Kate Middleton Morning Sickness Will Be A Royal

Hyperemesis Gravidarum sounds like a Harry Potter spell, but for mom-to-beKate Middleton it’s a royal pain. It’s morning sickness on steroids — a rare and potentially dangerous malady that affects one [...]

COSTO Connection: Obesity and Pregnancy: For Your Health

EXCESSIVE BODY WEIGHT has become one of the major public health issues in the United States. Obesity is characterized as a state of excess fat-cell mass. The most widely used [...]