As a woman’s health advocate and expert, Dr. Gaither has appeared in national consumer health and lifestyle outlets discussing topics ranging from conception to prenatal diagnosis.
Dr. Gaither was quoted in HealthiNation about Things That Can Happen to Your Body If You Start Having More Sex
12 Things That Can Happen to Your Body If You Start Having More Sex HEALTH | JUNE 14, 2018 | BY RACHEL SOKOL How often *should* you have sex with [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Sanctuary about Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes: Important Information for Moms-to-Be May 2018 According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), “Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in US News & World Report about How to Find the Best Ob-GYN
How Can I Find the Best OB-GYN? Look for a doctor whose experience gives you confidence and whose personality meshes with yours. By Elaine K. Howley, Contributor, March 26, 2018 [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in HealthyWay about Foods to Eat When You Have Your Period
Food And Flow: The Best (And Worst) Foods To Eat When You Have Your Period While nutrition is always important, it’s even more critical when you’re menstruating. Here’s how to [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in The Bump about Nuchal Chord
Nuchal Cord: Causes, Signs And Treatment By Maggie Overfelt, March 2018 One of the biggest side effects of pregnancy is fear of the unknown. This affliction impacts almost all mothers-to-be, [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in INSIDER about Kylie Jenner’s Pregnancy Weight Gain
Kylie Jenner reveals how much weight she gained during pregnancy — and then quickly deletes the tweet By Callie Ahlgrim, Mar. 12, 2018 It's no secret that Kylie Jenner often [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Stress and Implantation
“Can Stress Affect Implantation? Here’s What Science Has To Say” By Candace Ganger, 3/2/18 Stress is a powerful emotion that can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. And if you're [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted on INSIDER about Birth Control
“The birth control with the most and least side effects, according to doctors” By Sara Lindberg, February 27, 2018 With so many forms of birth control available, it can be difficult [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Pregnancy Weight Gain
Can You Gain Too Much Weight When You’re Pregnant? Experts Explain By Candace Ganger, February 26, 2018 During a typical pregnancy, weight gain is expected. The added pounds are a [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted on HealthLine about Vaginal Mesh Surgery
New Material Could Make Vaginal Mesh Surgery Safer Researchers say polyurethane is more elastic and could cause fewer complications than the material currently used in vaginal mesh. 2/22/18 Is a [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in INSIDER about weight gain during pregnancy
Here’s what new moms should know about ‘normal’ weight gain during pregnancy By Sara Lindberg, 2/22/18 Lots of women struggle with the idea that gaining weight is part of their "to-do" [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Balancing Your Hormones
7 Unexpected Habits That Help Balance Your Hormones Naturally That OB/GYNs Swear By Carina Wolff 2/21/18 Hormonal imbalance can cause all sorts of unwanted health effects, ranging from unwanted breakouts to [...]
Dr. Gaither was published in Westchester Family about Cervical Incompetence
Cervical Incompetence: Reducing the Risk By Kecia Gaither, M.D., MPH, FACOG, February 19, 2018 As a pregnant woman’s body prepares for labor, late in the third trimester, the cervix – [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Healthy and Natural World about 4D Ultrasounds
4D Ultrasound Scan: What Is It? (Based on Latest Medical Research) By Jenny Hills, Medical Writer and Researcher Health, February 2018 4D ultrasound scans allow parents to see real-time images [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Tubal Ligation
Should I Get My Tubes Tied? 6 Things To Know About Tubal Ligation By SUZANNAH WEISS, 1/25/18 When we talk about birth control, there’s one option that’s often left out [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Glamour about Hacking Your Period to Make it More Regular
Can You Really Hack Your Period to Make It More Regular? BY SUZANNAH WEISS, JANUARY 25, 2018 Honestly, I don't know many women who get their periods exactly every 28 [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Cafe Mom about Recovering from a Pregnancy Loss
What can I expect while recovering from a pregnancy loss? January 2018 Regardless of how and when it occurs, suffering a pregnancy loss is undoubtedly devastating. In the midst of [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Pregnant Sex
How Do I Get My Partner To Have Pregnant Sex With Me? Yes, Seriously By Jacqueline Burt Cote, January 16, 2018 To paraphrase Forrest Gump, pregnancy sex is like a [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in US News & World Report about Doctor-Patient Communication
How to Make Sure Your Doctor Understands Your Medical Condition Tips and strategies for improving doctor-patient communication. By Elaine K. Howley, Contributor |Jan. 16, 2018 YOUR DOCTOR ISN'T JUST a health care provider. [...]
Dr. Gaither was quoted in The List about being in labor
What really happens to your body when you’re in labor” By Daniela Uslan, January 2018 Delivering a baby is one of the most miraculous things a woman's body can do, [...]