In the News

/In the News

Snoring During Pregnancy? You’re Not Alone.

By | June 21st, 2015|Categories: In the News|

By Julie Revelant You’re prepared for the morning sickness, weight gain and insomnia, but you may not have planned for one side effect of pregnancy— snoring. Studies show that between 25 and 30 percent of women snore during pregnancy. In fact, a study in the journal SLEEP found that 35 percent of women reported snoring 3 [...]

Do You Have a Unicorn Uterus? Sounds Cute – But It’s Really Scary

By | May 28th, 2015|Categories: In the News|

By Samantha Leal Add to the list of things you could totally have and never know about: a unicorn uterus. In legit medical speak, a "unicornuate uterus" is when the Mullerian ducts (the things that develop and fuse when you're an embryo to form your uterus, two fallopian tubes, and two ovaries) don't form correctly—with one [...]

Do You Have a Unicorn Uterus?

By | May 20th, 2015|Categories: In the News|

By Korin Miller Its Sex Ed 101: Women have a uterus, two fallopian tubes, and two ovaries. But according to experts, some women have a reproductive system that’s actually half of that. It’s a condition that’s known as “unicornuate uterus” or “unicorn uterus.” A woman with a unicorn uterus essentially has only one side of her [...]

Space: It Is NOT the Final Frontier

By | April 25th, 2015|Categories: In the News|

In 1966, American television was taken by storm with a different kind of series — enter “Star Trek.” It explored “brave new worlds” beyond what we knew on Earth, and dared to take curious young minds on an intergalactic mission to seek out new life and new civilizations. It “boldly went where no man had gone [...]

Perineal Massage 101: The Other Prenatal Massage

By | April 9th, 2015|Categories: In the News|

Don't squirm at the thought of getting hands-on down there -- practicing perineal massage can help prepare yourbirthcanal for Baby, and may even reduce your risk of tearing. By: Holly Pevzner Moms-to-be often have some to-be-expected anxieties about childbirth:Will I be able to handle the pain? What if there are complications? Will I tear?The latter question [...]

To NIPT or Not to NIPT? That Is the Question

By | January 14th, 2015|Categories: In the News|

There are many conversations had between an expectant mother and her prenatal care provider — for the most part, these are positive in nature and revolve around ensuring the health of both the patient and her unborn child. However, for every positive conversation, there is one a bit heavier in subject matter, one often discussed and [...]

Nine Suprising Facts About Your Vagina

By | January 5th, 2015|Categories: In the News|

Does the G-spot really exist? It stretches how much down there during labor? And can exercise really get it in shape? Read on as a few doctors share some fascinating insight about the vagina. 1. Your vagina will triple in width during birth. Many pregnant women worry about how a baby can possibly fit through there [...]

Have Hot Pregnancy Sex: The Best Positions For Every Trimester

By | December 31st, 2014|Categories: In the News|

“Engaging in loving, sexual activity has been shown to have positive benefits for both expecting mother and unborn child,” says ob-gyn Kecia Gaither, M.D., maternal fetal medicine specialist at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. “Sex is known to release endorphins and oxytocin—otherwise known as the ‘love hormone’—allowing for relaxation and a sense [...]

Prenatal Testing: When a Result Is Not a Diagnosis

By | December 15th, 2014|Categories: In the News|

When fetal DNA testing for chromosomal disorders was first introduced in 2011, many experts feared that the improved results would be oversold, leading women to take irreversible steps based on a test that, while an improvement over earlier testing, remains far from conclusive. Both the new generation of tests and the old were performed on a [...]

What Your OB Wants You To Know Before Your C-Section

By | December 2nd, 2014|Categories: In the News|

The Truth About C-Sections You are much more likely to deliver a baby via C-section today than even 20 years ago. In fact, the number of times the procedure was performed increased 60 percent from 1996 to 2009. In 2010, the Cesarean delivery rate was a whopping 32.8% of all U.S. births. So we spoke to [...]

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