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Why Does Your Vagina Smell Different In The First Trimester? An Expert Explains

By | July 28th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

By Caroline Shannon-Karasik With early pregnancy comes all the questions, including “when will I get to hear my baby’s heartbeat?” and “why am I so darn tired?” Some women also begin to wonder about changes taking place in their nether region, like funky discharge and pelvic pains related to the human resting on your vagina. But what about [...]

Myths and Misconceptions About Uterine Fibroids

By | July 25th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

( - New York, NY, July 2017 – The vast majority of American women are expected to develop uterine fibroids at some point in their lives. But despite its prevalence, this much-misunderstood condition is surrounded by myths and misconceptions, according to perinatal consultant and women’s health expert Kecia Gaither, MD. About 70% of white women and 80% [...]

Here’s How To Stop Mastitis From Making Breastfeeding Unbearable

By | July 15th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

If nursing causes excruciating soreness in your breast, you might have mastitis. Here's how to get back to breastfeeding without the pain. After nursing her first daughter for nearly six months with virtually no problems, Meagan E. suddenly found herself in a lot of pain. “When I first experienced symptoms, it was primarily tender, hot, swollen [...]

The Scary Reason Why Doctors Are Telling Women Not To Eat Their Placentas

By | July 10th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

Tons of celebs have done it—but should you? BY JESSICA MIGALAHere's what happened: Shortly after birth, the baby experienced breathing difficulties and was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, where it tested positive for a bacterial infection called group B streptococcus (GBS). This bacteria is normally found in the vagina or rectum of one-quarter of healthy women, according to [...]

Why More Women Are Opting for ‘Gentle C-Sections’

By | July 3rd, 2017|Categories: In the News|

BY SUZANNAH WEISS There aren't traditionally a lot of options when it comes to giving birth: There are C-sections, and there are vaginal births. But more and more women are now choosing a kind of hybrid: "gentle C-sections," also known as "family-centered C-sections." During these procedures, the screen that's normally at the mom's waist blocking the incision may be lowered [...]

Is The G-Spot Real? Scientists Still Can’t Agree

By | June 28th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

By SUZANNAH WEISS Ever since I was a teenager reading women's magazines, I've been hearing about the joys of the G-spot. But I’ve never found such a place on my own body. I mean, pressure on the top of the inside of my vagina feels good, but it doesn't make me orgasm, and there’s no discrete “spot.” Doctors, [...]

What Happens To Your Body When You Go Past Your Due Date? Impatience Isn’t The Only Symptom

By | June 28th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

By Caroline Shannon-Karasik The crib is ready, the tiny clothes are washed and folded, and you’ve taken every parenting class, including that one where you watched a woman give birth and questioned everything about your life. On the eve of your due date you snuggle — well, awkwardly plop — into bed and think, "Tomorrow at this [...]

5 Signs You May Have a UTI — and What To Do About It

By | June 26th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

BY EMMA SARRAN WEBSTER View the original article here. If you have female anatomy, it's not unlikely you’ve had a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, some 40 to 60 percent of women will develop a UTI in their lifetime — and UTIs usually don't [...]

Does Your Pregnancy Weight Gain Affect Your Baby’s Size? Experts Weigh In

By | June 25th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

By Caroline Shannon-Karasik Sometimes it feels like a pregnant belly has a sign that says "kindly send your unsolicited advice here." Whether it’s that you are carrying high or low, a rounder face means you’re having a girl, or reasons for a drug-free birth, it’s like people have never heard of the funny things pregnancy hormones can [...]

10 Surprising Things That Can Happen When You Go Off Birth Control

By | June 25th, 2017|Categories: In the News|

By CARINA WOLFF Whether you go off birth control because you don't want to take any hormones or you're just not happy with the pill, you might notice some startling changes in your body once you ditch the pack. There are a number of surprising things that can happen when you go off birth control. Some are more temporary, [...]

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