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Dr. Gaither was quoted in Healthy and Natural World about 4D Ultrasounds

By | February 14th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

4D Ultrasound Scan: What Is It? (Based on Latest Medical Research) By Jenny Hills, Medical Writer and Researcher Health, February 2018 4D ultrasound scans allow parents to see real-time images of their baby moving around inside the womb. 4D ultrasound tests also give doctors new opportunities to diagnose health issues with the growing baby that were [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Tubal Ligation

By | January 25th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Should I Get My Tubes Tied? 6 Things To Know About Tubal Ligation By SUZANNAH WEISS, 1/25/18 When we talk about birth control, there’s one option that’s often left out of the discussion: getting your tubes tied. During a tubal ligation, your fallopian tubes — where the eggs normally travel down to the uterus — are closed [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Glamour about Hacking Your Period to Make it More Regular

By | January 25th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Can You Really Hack Your Period to Make It More Regular? BY SUZANNAH WEISS, JANUARY 25, 2018 Honestly, I don't know many women who get their periods exactly every 28 days. Most people's are pretty variable. But my cycle takes irregularity to the extreme. After I went off birth control three years ago, it started coming [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Cafe Mom about Recovering from a Pregnancy Loss

By | January 18th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

What can I expect while recovering from a pregnancy loss? January 2018 Regardless of how and when it occurs, suffering a pregnancy loss is undoubtedly devastating. In the midst of this truly difficult moment, you may very well face symptoms -- both physical and emotional -- associated with a miscarriage. Here, experts and moms open up [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Pregnant Sex

By | January 16th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

How Do I Get My Partner To Have Pregnant Sex With Me? Yes, Seriously By Jacqueline Burt Cote, January 16, 2018 To paraphrase Forrest Gump, pregnancy sex is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you're gonna get. Depending on what kind of symptoms you're dealing with, your libido might be low to non-existent. [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in US News & World Report about Doctor-Patient Communication

By | January 16th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

How to Make Sure Your Doctor Understands Your Medical Condition Tips and strategies for improving doctor-patient communication. By Elaine K. Howley, Contributor |Jan. 16, 2018 YOUR DOCTOR ISN'T JUST a health care provider. She's also part detective, using all the clues and evidence you provide to arrive at a diagnosis and then using that determination to develop an appropriate [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in The List about being in labor

By | January 16th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

What really happens to your body when you’re in labor” By Daniela Uslan, January 2018 Delivering a baby is one of the most miraculous things a woman's body can do, and also one of the most painful. If you're pregnant, or if you plan to get pregnant soon, you may be wondering what actually happens to [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Running While Pregnant

By | January 16th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

You Really Can Run Through Your Whole Pregnancy, So Why Does Everyone Say You Can’t? By Kelly Mullen-McWilliams, 1/16/18 If you want to feel social judgment smack you like a wall of icy wind, try doing something outrageous as a pregnant person, like buying a bottle of wine or surfing. Outsize reactions to your belly-button piercing reveals [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in SheKnows about Labor Myths

By | January 15th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

10 Labor Myths It’s Time to Bust by Claire Gillespie, 1/15/18 Have you heard the one about putting a knife under your bed during labor to "cut the pain in half"? We're not buying that for a second. But there are other more believable yet still dead wrong labor myths that contribute to the confusion around giving [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Embarrassing Questions for your Gynecologist

By | January 14th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

11 Questions You May Be Embarrassed To Ask Your Gynecologist, But Shouldn’t Be By CARINA WOLFF, January 2018 Going to the gynecologist can feel like a daunting experience, and not everyone feels comfortable discussing issues that feel private and sometimes scary. However, you're probably not the only one wondering about what's going on with your reproductive [...]

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