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Dr. Gaither was quoted in HealthyWay about Foods to Eat When You Have Your Period

By | March 18th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Food And Flow: The Best (And Worst) Foods To Eat When You Have Your Period While nutrition is always important, it’s even more critical when you’re menstruating. Here’s how to deal with those cravings while giving your body the nutrients it needs. By Sian Ferguson March 18, 2018 During your period, your body is going through [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in The Bump about Nuchal Chord

By | March 12th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Nuchal Cord: Causes, Signs And Treatment By Maggie Overfelt, March 2018 One of the biggest side effects of pregnancy is fear of the unknown. This affliction impacts almost all mothers-to-be, and runs the gamut from being a little worrisome to mentally crippling. Nuchal cord, or when baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck, is one [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in INSIDER about Kylie Jenner’s Pregnancy Weight Gain

By | March 12th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Kylie Jenner reveals how much weight she gained during pregnancy — and then quickly deletes the tweet By Callie Ahlgrim, Mar. 12, 2018 It's no secret that Kylie Jenner often posts photos of herself on social media. But since the news of her first pregnancy broke, the 20-year-old has been notoriously selective with sharing photos of herself, likely [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Stress and Implantation

By | March 2nd, 2018|Categories: In the News|

“Can Stress Affect Implantation? Here’s What Science Has To Say” By Candace Ganger, 3/2/18 Stress is a powerful emotion that can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. And if you're trying to conceive, it's hard to know exactly how impactful any stress you may or may not be feeling could be. So, can implantation be affected by stress? According [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted on INSIDER about Birth Control

By | February 27th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

“The birth control with the most and least side effects, according to doctors” By Sara Lindberg, February 27, 2018 With so many forms of birth control available, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. You might be wondering if it's better to choose a brand name or a generic? How about hormonal or non-hormonal? Should [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Romper about Pregnancy Weight Gain

By | February 26th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Can You Gain Too Much Weight When You’re Pregnant? Experts Explain By Candace Ganger, February 26, 2018 During a typical pregnancy, weight gain is expected. The added pounds are a necessary part of that 40 week (more or less) journey, essentially reminding you that your baby is growing and thriving. And while "eating for two" is [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted on HealthLine about Vaginal Mesh Surgery

By | February 22nd, 2018|Categories: In the News|

New Material Could Make Vaginal Mesh Surgery Safer Researchers say polyurethane is more elastic and could cause fewer complications than the material currently used in vaginal mesh. 2/22/18 Is a better mesh on the way for women who suffer from pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence? Scientists at the University of Sheffield in England are [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in INSIDER about weight gain during pregnancy

By | February 22nd, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Here’s what new moms should know about ‘normal’ weight gain during pregnancy By Sara Lindberg, 2/22/18 Lots of women struggle with the idea that gaining weight is part of their "to-do" list during pregnancy, but what can be even more troubling is knowing how much you're "supposed" to be gaining. That's why it's important to discuss appropriate weight [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Balancing Your Hormones

By | February 21st, 2018|Categories: In the News|

7 Unexpected Habits That Help Balance Your Hormones Naturally That OB/GYNs Swear By Carina Wolff 2/21/18 Hormonal imbalance can cause all sorts of unwanted health effects, ranging from unwanted breakouts to low energy and hair loss. However, just because you feel like your hormones are out of whack doesn't mean you need to necessarily turn to medications. [...]

Dr. Gaither was published in Westchester Family about Cervical Incompetence

By | February 19th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Cervical Incompetence: Reducing the Risk By Kecia Gaither, M.D., MPH, FACOG, February 19, 2018 As a pregnant woman’s body prepares for labor, late in the third trimester, the cervix – the long, tubular lower end of the uterus – begins to soften, shorten (efface), and open (dilate). In about one out of 100 pregnancies (approximately 1 [...]

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