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Dr. Gaither was quoted in about pain after sex

By | September 24th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

6 Reasons You’re Feeling Pain After Sex How to turn the ouch back into ooh. ASHLEY MATEO, September 24, 2018 So you've just finished a sex session with your partner, but instead of basking in the afterglow, you're realizing that something is hurting down below. Maybe it's a dull ache inside your vagina, or a burning [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in InStyle about Period Boobs

By | September 9th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

The 5 Best Ways to Deal With Swollen and Achy Period Boobs, According to Ob-Gyns By Ashley Mateo (This article originally appeared on, Sep 09, 2018 Dealing with cramps, diarrhea, and other below-the-belt period side effects are bad enough. But your menstrual cycle can be hell on your boobs as well — which explains why they [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Going Commando

By | September 6th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

5 “Gross” Things About Going Commando That Are Actually Benefiting Your Health By Carina Wolff, 9/6/18 Going commando is something that may sound more silly than it does practical, but it turns out going sans underwear can actually do your body some good. Although it might feel strange to imagine going out and about without anything [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in HEALTH.COM about Swollen and Achy Period Boobs

By | September 6th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

The 5 Best Ways to Deal With Swollen and Achy Period Boobs, According to Ob-Gyns By Ashley Mateo, Sep 06, 2018 Dealing with cramps, diarrhea, and other below-the-belt period side effects are bad enough. But your menstrual cycle can be hell on your boobs as well—which explains why they feel like heavy boulders sitting on your chest even [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in What To Expect about Pink Discharge

By | August 29th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Is Pink Discharge Normal If You're Trying to Get Pregnant? by Maressa Brown, August 29, 2018 Spying pink discharge between periods can bring up a lot of questions, especially for a woman who is trying to get pregnant. After all, if you’re on the brink of getting your period and not trying to conceive, pinkish or light-colored blood [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Bustle about Endometriosis

By | August 25th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

8 Health Issues Endometriosis Is Often Mistaken For By Eva Taylor Grant, 8/25/18 With the variety of symptoms, complicated diagnosis methods, and need to tirelessly self-advocate, gynecological health can be incredibly confusing. And of all the conditions out there, endometriosis is both one of the most common, and most difficult to pin down. So if you're [...]

Dr. Gaither was featured on The Baby Box about Pregestational or Gestational Diabetes

By | July 8th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR ME AND FOR MY BABY IF I’VE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH PREGESTATIONAL OR GESTATIONAL DIABETES? Learn more about what it means if you’ve been diagnosed with pregestational or gestational diabetes from Kecia Gaither, MD MPH. The Baby Box Co. - July 8, 2018 Click HERE to watch the video with Dr. Gaither on The [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in HealthiNation about Things That Can Happen to Your Body If You Start Having More Sex

By | June 14th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

12 Things That Can Happen to Your Body If You Start Having More Sex HEALTH | JUNE 14, 2018 | BY RACHEL SOKOL How often *should* you have sex with your partner? How often do you *actually* have sex with your partner? Thanks to some nosy scientists who explore Americans’ bedroom habits for the sake of [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in Sanctuary about Gestational Diabetes

By | May 11th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

Gestational Diabetes: Important Information for Moms-to-Be May 2018 According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), “Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who don’t already have diabetes. It occurs when your body can’t make enough insulin during your pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that acts [...]

Dr. Gaither was quoted in US News & World Report about How to Find the Best Ob-GYN

By | March 26th, 2018|Categories: In the News|

How Can I Find the Best OB-GYN? Look for a doctor whose experience gives you confidence and whose personality meshes with yours. By Elaine K. Howley, Contributor, March 26, 2018 THE JOURNEY OF BRINGING a new life into the world is one you'll need some help with, and the doctor who can care for you before, during [...]

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